The energy spectrum and flux of neutrons from En?2 Mev were measured with organic liquid scintillators near the top of the atmosphere during a balloon flight in 1973 at 4.2-2.9 g/cm2 over Palestine, Texas (&lgr;=42¿N). Two cylindrical liquid scintillators of dimensions 5 cm¿5 cm and 12.5 cm ¿12.5 cm filled with NE 213 were used to cover the neutron energy range from 2 to 75 MeV. Pulse neutron interactions from the electrons produced by gamma rays. The response functions for mono-energetic neutrons up to En=75 MeV were determined from accelerator calibrations. The neutron leakage current from 2 to 10 MeV is given by R= (0.25¿0.05) E-1/8¿0.1 neutron/cm2 s MeV, and at 20, 30, 50, and 75 MeV the leakage rates are (1.6¿0.4) ¿10-3, (1.15¿0.20/0.25) ¿10-3, (8,0¿2.0/1.4) ¿10-4, and (6.3¿1.3) ¿10-4 neutron/cm2 s MeV, respectively. |