The cross-L motions of the magnetospheric plasma are inferred from measured time variations of the minimum value of B along the whistler paths. Most of the observed paths were in the range 3.5Ew?-0.05 mV/m. Beginning as early as ?03 MLT or as late as ?09 MLT there is outward drift at 200--300 m/sec lasting for several hours (Ew=-0.10 to -0.15 mV/m). This is followed by a midday reversal to a several-hour-long inflow at ?300 m/sec (Ew?0.15 mV/m). As a result of the case-to-case variation in time of morningside outflow, the inferred spatial structure of the east-west electric field varies from predominantly diurnal (predawm outflow) to predominantly semi-diurnal (postdawn outflow). The cases showing post-dawn outflow occurred during quiet periods that followed magnetic disturbance within less than ?1-1/2 days. When expressed in terms of flow at ionospheric heights, these cases (and the associated afternoon data) agree with daytime incoherent scatter radar measurements made under similar magnetic conditions. The cases showing a predominantly diurnal cross-L flow pattern occurred under exceptionally quiet conditions, on days separated from preceding magnetic disturbance by 3 other quiet days. |