The spatial phase and amplitude distributions of morning Pc 5 pulsations are studied by using the North American IMS magnetometer network data from the Alaska, East-West, and Fort Churchill chains. The following results have been obtained: (1) Signals in all the X (magnetic north-south), Y (magnetic east-west), and Z (vertical) components propagate from noon to the night side. The apparent phase velocity is approximately 13 km/s. (2) The phase varies with latitude. The total latitudinal phase differences across the Pc 5 active region are 200¿ and 90¿ for the X and Y components, respectively. These phase changes are well explained by the ionospheric modifications of the waves generated by field line resonance. (3) The corresponding latitudinal phase differences in Z are different between the Alaska and Fort Churchill chains. The total change is 550¿ along the Alaska chain, while it is 360¿ along the Fort Churchill chain. A model calculation indicates that the phase variation for the Fort Churchill chain is explained by the ionospheric Hall current associated with the field line resonance and the earth induction current. For the Alaska chain, the earth induction current flowing in the shallower depths near Fort Yukon is essential to account for the observed large phase change in Z. |