Electrical and aerodynamic torques on atmospheric ice particles are calculated in order to assess the degree of alignment of these particles with the electric fields in thunderstorms. In such clouds fields of many tens of kilovolts per meter are commonly measured, and values of 100 to 200 kV/m are not rare. For E=100 kV/m the calculations indicate that electric field alignment occurs for crystals with major dimensions up to maximum values in the range from 200 μ to 1 mm, depending upon crystal type. Columns are aligned more easily than platelike crystals, except for dendrites which, by virtue of their smaller assumed density, have smaller fall velocities thereby experiencing weaker aerodynamic torques. Thus a substantial degree of alignment is expected for E=100 kV/m. For E=10 kV/m only much smaller crystals will be aligned, probably only ones with major dimensions of less than 50 μ or so. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1987 |