Detailed Reference Information |
Meredith, N.P., Thorne, R.M., Horne, R.B., Summers, D., Fraser, B.J. and Anderson, R.R. (2003). Statistical analysis of relativistic electron energies for cyclotron resonance with EMIC waves observed on CRRES. Journal of Geophysical Research 108: doi: 10.1029/2002JA009700. issn: 0148-0227. |
Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves which propagate at frequencies below the proton gyrofrequency can undergo cyclotron resonant interactions with relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt and cause pitch-angle scattering and electron loss to the atmosphere. Typical storm-time wave amplitudes of 1--10 nT cause strong diffusion scattering which may lead to significant relativistic electron loss at energies above the minimum energy for resonance, Emin. A statistical analysis of over 800 EMIC wave events observed on the CRRES spacecraft is performed to establish whether scattering can occur at geophysically interesting energies (≤2 MeV). While Emin is well above 2 MeV for the majority of these events, it can fall below 2 MeV in localized regions of high plasma density and/or low magnetic field (fpe/fce,eq > 10) for wave frequencies just below the hydrogen or helium ion gyrofrequencies. These lower energy scattering events, which are mainly associated with resonant L-mode waves, are found within the magnetic local time range 1300 4.5. The average wave spectral intensity of these events (4--5 nT2/Hz) is sufficient to cause strong diffusion scattering. The spatial confinement of these events, together with the limited set of these waves that resonate with ≤2 MeV electrons, suggest that these electrons are only subject to strong scattering over a small fraction of their drift orbit. Consequently, drift-averaged scattering lifetimes are expected to lie in the range of several hours to a day. EMIC wave scattering should therefore significantly affect relativistic electron dynamics during a storm. The waves that resonate with the ~MeV electrons are produced by low-energy (~keV) ring current protons, which are expected to be injected into the inner magnetosphere during enhanced convection events. |
Abstract |
Magnetospheric Physics, Magnetosphere--inner, Magnetospheric Physics, Plasma waves and instabilities, Space Plasma Physics, Wave/particle interactions, Magnetospheric Physics, Energetic particles, precipitating |
American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009-1277 USA 1-202-462-6900 1-202-328-0566 service@agu.org |