Detailed Seamount Information |
Horizon Guyot |    |

Index | SMNT-193N-1690W |
Classification | Guyot |
Location | 19º 16.80' N 169º 01.20' W |
Elongation Irregularity | |
Plate Age | |
Oceanic Province | |
Region | Mid-Pacific Mountains |
Alternative Names | |
Plate | Pacific Plate |
Age | |
Tectonic Setting | Hotspot Trails |
Seamount Top | |
Volume | |
Ocean Bottom | |
Shelf Edge
 | |
Volcanic Activity | |
Horizon Guyot -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Horizon Guyot -- Predicted satellite bathymetry |

Lonsdale, P., Normark, W.R. and Newman, W.A. (1972). Sedimentation and erosion on Horizon Guyot. Geological Society of America, Bulletin 83: 289-316. |

Premoli-Silva, I. and Brusa, C. (1981). Shallow-water skeletal debris and larger foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 462, Nauru Basin, western equatorial Pacific. 61: 439-473. |

Natland, J.H. (1976). Possible volcanologic explanations for the origin of flat-topped seamounts and ridges in the Line Islands and Mid-Pacific Mountains. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 33: 779-787. |