Detailed File Information |
Seismic/Eruption runs in a PC Windows environment. It displays maps of many portions of the world and displays earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in speeded-up time. You can generate your own maps interactively. Three-dimensional and cross-section views can also be displayed. Hypocenter files for the world from 1960 through the present of magnitude 5.0 and above and for the USA of magnitude 4.0 and above and California of magnitude 3.0 and above for the same period are provided. These have been obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey. In addition there is a dataset for Cook Inlet, Alaska. The eruption dataset is provided by the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution. The name of each volcano is displayed while it is erupting. |
Instructions To update your earthquake data, click on Options/Update from Internet. |
Keywords volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, magnitudes, tectonic plate boundaries, earthquake epicenter depths, transform faults, mid-ocean ridges, diffuse plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries, tectonic plate names |
Copyright Owner Alan L. Jones Purdue University, Science 1, G60B, tel: (607) 777-2518, email: jones@geol.binghamton.edu
Copyright Description The program is freeware. It can be freely copied and exchanged with no payment required or expected. |