Digital Archive (ERDA)
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Detailed File Information
Distance from Kilauea and Age of Hawaiian Island Volcanoes
File Name m00025.img.502.hawaiian.emperor.seamount.ages.jpg
Data Type diagram, graphs
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator CS2
File Size 231.00 KB - 2 files [ jpg,pdf ]
Expert Level Middle School (Grade 6-8)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Clague 1996
Hawaii Center of Volcanism, SOEST
Resource Matrix The Formation of Seamounts
This graph depicts a trend present in the Hawaiian Islands and Emperor Seamounts in which age of the island and seamounts increase as the distance from Kilauea increases. The line of best fit shows that this relationship is nearly linear indicating that the velocity at which the Pacific Plate is moving over the hotspot has been fairly constant (though not completely constant) throughout history. However, note that the trend line tends to lie above the actual data for the younger islands and lies below the data for the older islands; this is likely due to variations in plate velocity.
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