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Detailed File Information
Major Element Composition of the Core vs the Bulk Earth
File Name m00024.dat.526.core.composition.2.pdf
Data Type spreadsheet
Computer Program Adobe Illustrator CS2
File Size 34.00 KB - 2 files [ pdf,xls ]
Expert Level Middle School (Grade 6-8)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Allegre et al. 1995
Resource Matrix The Earth's Core
This data table contains the percentage values of composition for the major earth elements in the core and bulk earth. The determined values are based on many combined sources such as: meteorites, seismic data, Earth's density, crust composition data, and abundance of elements within the universe. For example, according to the table the core is comprised of approximately 80% Iron (Fe). A core comprised of mostly iron establishes an appropriate density to establish a global density of 5.515 g/cm^3. This is supported due to iron being the only metal at a large enough abundance in the universe to comprise an area the size of the core. Also, the Earth's magnetic field is generated from within the core due to a convecting metal. Based on lab experiments and calculations, the core can't be entirely composed of iron because the earth would be more dense if it were. Therefore, a number of lighter elements are also believed to be present, specifically those that have an affinity for iron (i.e. sulfer).
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