Digital Archive (ERDA)
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Detailed File Information
Age of Hawaiian Islands and Outer Seamounts Simplified Graph
File Name m00025.dat.575.age.hi.islands.simplified.graph.pdf
Data Type graphs
Computer Program Microsoft Excel 2000
File Size 52.00 KB - 2 files [ pdf,xls ]
Expert Level Middle School (Grade 6-8)
Contributor ERESE Database Team
Source Clague & Dalrymple 1987
Hawaii Center of Volcanism, SOEST
Resource Matrix The Formation of Seamounts
This graph is a representation of the age of Hawaiian islands and outer seamounts simplified data set. This graph shows a nearly linear relationship between distance and age in volcanoes and seamounts within the Hawaiian ? Emperor chain. The trend line in the graph indicates this relationship and exemplifies that as you move further from Kilauea the islands and seamounts increase in age.
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