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Munguía et al. 1986
Munguía, L., Simila, G.W., McNally, K.C. and Thompson, H. (1986). The September 19, 1985 Michoacan earthquake: Aftershock acceleration data recorded by a temporary installation of strong motion instruments. Geophysical Research Letters 13: doi: 10.1029/GL013i006p00581. issn: 0094-8276.

We describe acceleration signals recorded for nine aftershocks of the September 19, 1985 Michoacan earthquake. To obtain this data set, three A-700 Teledyne-Geotech digital strong-motion instruments were operated temporarily at two sites on the Jos¿ Mar¿a Morelos (La Villita) Dam, and at a site located at about 12 km to the west of the town of Zihuatanejo. Peak horizontal accelerations of 0.005 g to 0.031 g were recorded at epicentral distances between 10 and 75 km, for earthquakes with magnitude (mb) between 4.5 and 5.3. It ws observed that the peak accelerations recorded at a site on the embankment of the dam (near the crest) are approximately three times those recorded on the abutment bedrock portion of the dam. Although these sites were spatially separated by no more than 300 m, differences among their records are also significant. Waveforms recorded at the embankment site look more complex than those from the abutment site. This fact, as well as the higher peak accelerations on the embankment, provides evidence of a strong influence of the structure of the dam on the ground motion at the embankment site.



Geophysical Research Letters
American Geophysical Union
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