The main magnetic field of Jupiter has been measured by the Goddard Space Flight Center flux gate magnetometer on Pioneer 11, and analysis of the data yields a more detailed model than that obtained from Pioneer 10 results. In a spherical harmonic octupole representation the dipole term (with opposite polarity to earth's) has a magnitude of 4.28 G Rj 3 at a tilt angle of 9.6¿ and a system III longitude of 232¿. The quadrupole and octupole moments are significant, 24% and 21% of the dipole, respectively. This leads to a significant deviation of the planetary magnetic field from a simple offset dipole topology at distances of <3Rj. The north polar field strength is 14 G, and in the northern hemisphere the 'footprint' of the lo associated flux tube traverses the magnetic polar region. Associated L shell splitting in the radiation belts, warping of the charged particle equatorial planes, and enhanced absorption effects due to the satellites Amalthea and lo are expected as a result of the field complexity. |