In this report we use electric field data measured aboard the low-altitude Ogo 6 spacecraft [Heppner, 1972> to determine the gross radial variation of the equatorial convection electric field. To transform the electric field from low altitudes to the equatorial magnetosphere, we assume that the earth's magnetic field is dipolar and that E ⋅ B = O. To determine the radial variation of the electric field, we fit the data between L = 4 and 10 to a power law function of the form &PHgr; = cL&kgr; sin ϕ where E = -∇&PHgr; and ϕ is azimuth. We find that in general the convection electric field magnitude decreases with decreasing radial distance (&kgr;>1), implying that the field is partially shielded from the inner magnetosphere. This result is consistent with prior theoretical and experimental work. We find, in addition, that the magnitude of the radial variation of the electric field is a function of geomagnetic activity such that &kgr; varies inversely with Kp for Kp≲3, and &kgr;?1 for Kp>3. We argue that this &kgr;-Kp relation probably reflects the fact that the electric field is shielded only within the ring current which moves radially inward as Kp increases. Only for Kp≲3 does the region of measurement (L = 4 to 10) include the region of shielded electric field in and near the ring current inner edge. For Kp>3, the measurements sample the electric field only outside the region of shielding. |