Detailed Reference Information |
Bridges, N.T. (1997). Characteristics of seamounts near Hawaii as viewed by GLORIA. Marine Geology 138(3-4): 273-301. |
Using images and data acquired from the GLORIA sonar system, 390 seamounts within the U.S. Hawaiian Exclusive Economic Zone (HEEZ) off Hawaii have been studied. Their diameters range from 1 to 57km, with most less than 15km. Seamount abundance increases exponentially with decreasing size. The areal density of observed seamounts having diameters greater than 1km is 182/10 (super 6) km (super 2). The theoretical abundance of seamounts of all sizes normalized to a unit area is (309+ or -17)/10 (super 6) km (super 2), about an order of magnitude less than other surveyed areas of the Pacific. This may reflect a lower abundance of Cretaceous seamounts in this region, the covering of small seamounts by sediment, or discrepancies from the use of different data sets to derive the abundance statistics. The seamounts have morphologies ranging from steep-sided, flat-topped structures to cones to more amorphous structures; they are similar to volcanoes found elsewhere on the seafloor. A suite of secondary features associated with the seamounts includes summit craters, summit mounds, coalesced boundaries, landslides, and graben. Several seamount chains are aligned parallel to Cretaceous fracture zones, consistent with an origin close to the ancestral East Pacific Rise. Others are aligned parallel to the Necker Ridge, suggesting that they formed contemporaneously with Necker in the plate interior. This observation, together with high abundances of seamounts where other intraplate igneous processes have occurred, suggests some seamounts formed since leaving the spreading center. |
Data & Methods |
Data & Methods (continued) |
Quantative Characteristics |
Regional Variations |
acoustical methods, catalogs, crust, East Pacific Ocean Islands, geophysical methods, geophysical surveys, GLORIA, Hawaii, lava flows, marine environment, Musicians Seamounts, North Arch lava flow, North, Pacific, ocean floors, Oceania, oceanic crust, Pacific Ocean, Polynesia, seamounts, side-scanning methods, sonar methods, submarine, environment, surveys, United States, United States Exclusive Economic, Zone, volcanism, 07 Oceanography, 20 Applied geophysics |
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