Detailed Reference Information |
Sumita, I., Hatakeyama, T., Yoshihara, A. and Hamano, Y. (2001). Paleomagnetism of late Archean rocks of Hamersley Basin, Western Australia and the paleointensity at early Proterozoic. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 128: 223-241. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9201(01)00288-6. |
We report the results of paleomagnetic and rock magnetic measurements of late Archean rocks from Hamersley basin, Western Australia, and the paleointensity determination for early Proterozoic. Basalts and banded iron formations have two to four components of remanent magnetization, and have consistent directions for different localities, indicative of geomagnetic origin. Rock magnetic measurements of basalts reveal that the main magnetic mineral is a fine-grained magnetite present in approximately 10 ppm in mass, which do not alter when heated up to its blocking temperature. We interpret the stable component up to approximately 390 degrees C as the post-tilting thermal overprint from uplift at congruent to 2.0 Ga, and the higher temperature component as the pre-tilting thermoviscous remanence during burial metamorphism. From the Thellier type paleointensity experiments using the thermal overprint component, we obtain a mean virtual dipole moment (VDM) estimate of (1.8-3.6)X10 (super 22) Am (super 2). This suggests that early Proterozoic was characterized by a 1 weak geomagnetic field of less than one-half of the present. |
MagIC Database |
Experimental Methods |
Thellier Method |
Shaw Method |
MagIC SmartBook v1 |
MagIC SmartBook v2 |
anhysteretic remanent magnetization, Archean, Australasia, Australia, burial metamorphism, demagnetization, dipole moment, experimental, studies, Hamersley Basin, isothermal remanent magnetization, magnetic, field, magnetic intensity, magnetic minerals, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, metabasalt, metaigneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, metamorphism, metasedimentary rocks, natural remanent magnetization, overprinting, paleomagnetism, Paleoproterozoic, Precambrian, Proterozoic, remanent magnetization, saturation magnetization, thermal, effects, thermoremanent magnetization, upper Archean, upper, Precambrian, Western Australia, 12 Stratigraphy, 18 Solid-earth geophysics |
Elsevier Science P.O. Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam The Netherlands (+31) 20 485 3757 (+31) 20 485 3432 nlinfo-f@elsevier.com |