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McNutt et al. 1987
McNutt, R.L., Coppi, P.S., Selesnick, R.S. and Coppi, B. (1987). Plasma depletions in the Jovian magnetosphere: evidence of transport and solar wind interaction. Journal of Geophysical Research 92: doi: 10.1029/JA092iA05p04377. issn: 0148-0227.

A series of plasma voids C (''dropouts'') was observed by the plasma Science(PLS) experiment in Jupiter's magnetosphere during the Voyager 2 encounter with that planet. A reexamination of Voyager 2 data has led us to conclude that the dropout phenomenon cannot be a manifestation of a plasma wake produced by Ganymede. Rather, the appearance of the dropouts is attributed to changes in the upstream solar wind conditions and the global state of the magnetosphere; the proximity of Voyager 2 to Ganymede at the time is considered to be coincidental. We suggest that these dropouts are evidence of a state of ''bubbling'' of the magnetosphere that alternates with ''laminar'' states in which, as in the case of the Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter, voids are not present and that these states correspond to different processes by which plasma is transported out of the system. The nature of these states is related to changes in the magnitude of the upstream solar wind ram pressure. In the bubbling state, this pressure is higher than in the laminar state and drives an intermittent instability. The analysis presented is one of the first attempts to introduce,in space physics, recently acquired theoretical notions of the physics of finite &bgr; plasmas of which the Jovian magnetospheric plasma is an important example. ¿American Geophysical Union 1987



Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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