As Voyager passed outward through the magnetosphere of Uranus, the planetary radio astronomy (PRA) experiment recorded continuum radio emissions produced by sources near the Uranian nightside magnetic pole. Previously, we reported scintillations that occurred in this emission over a period of about 5 days as Voyager crossed the Uranian magnetosheath and that were observed by the magnetometer (MAG) and plasma (PLS) experiments. Early on January 29, 1986, the scintillations were extremely wideband, of order of magnitude 6:1 in frequency, and deep, of order of magnitude 50% in power. We now show that these scintillations originated in propagating waves with wavelengths near 2¿104 km, phase velocities near 575 km s-1, and minute plasma content. In effect, the kilometric emission caught and highlighted a diaphanous wave pattern drifting downwind along the magnetosheath between Voyager and the kilometric radio source regions near Uranus. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1987 |