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Mandt & Lee 1991
Mandt, M.E. and Lee, L.C. (1991). Generation of Pc 1 waves by the ion temperature anisotropy associated with fast shocks caused by sudden impulses. Journal of Geophysical Research 96: doi: 10.1029/91JA01733. issn: 0148-0227.

Observations have reported on the high correlation of Pc 1 events with magnetospheric compressions. A number of mechanisms have been suggested for the generation of the Pc 1 waves. In this paper, we propose a new mechanism which leads to the generation of Pc 1 waves. The interaction of a dynamic pressure pulse (Δpv2) with the Earth's bow shock leads to the formation of a weak fast mode shock propagating into the magnetosheath. The shock wave can pass right through a tangential disconinuity (magnetopause) and into the magnetosphere, without disturbing either of the structures. In a quasi-perpendicular geometry, the shock wave exhibits anisotropic heating with T>T. This anisotropy drives unstable ion cycltron waves which we believe can contribute to the generation of the Pc 1 waves which are detected. The viability of the mechanism is demonstrated with simulations. This mechanism could explain peak in the occurrence of observed Pc 1 waves in the postnoon sector where a field-aligned discontinuity in the solar wind would most often be parallel to the mangetopause surface due to the average Parker spiral magnetic field configuration.



Magnetospheric Physics, Solar wind-magnetosphere interactions, Space Plasma Physics, Discontinuities, Space Plasma Physics, Numerical simulation studies, Magnetospheric Physics, MHD waves and instabilities
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277
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