The orbit of the 1967--92A satellite has been studied to ascertain the extent to which tidal forces contribute to orbital perturbations. This study has permitted an estimation of the magnitudes of ocean tide effects on the satellite's inclination, in particular for the M2 and S2 constituents. The ocean tide estimates are based upon the use of a value of 0.3 for the solid earth tide Love number k2 and a lag angle of 0¿ in the orbit determination procedure. The amplitudes and phases of these tidal effects are in good agreement with those calculated from numerical models of the M2 and S2 tides derived from surface data. The results are as follows: Tidal Constituent M2: Amplitude (arc sec) =0.031¿0.007, 0.283¿0.007, Phase Angle (deg) =391¿14, 286¿1.4 |