Our petrologic and electron-probe study of enstatite in six EH3, 4, and 5 chondrites, including the previously undescribed Allan Hills A77156, provides no support for Leitch and Smith's <1982> model in which crystals and liquids from two chemically distinct, partially molten planetesimals are mixed. We find that Cr and Mn concentrations in enstatite grains in matrix and chondrules are not uniquely defined by their cathodoluminescence color. Wide variations in enstatite compositions among chondrules may partly reflect heterogeneities in the precursor material. However, correlated variations of Cr, Mn, and Fe concentrations in enstatite are probably largely due to fractionation during chondrule crystallization. The inverse correlation of petrologic type with minor element concentrations in enstatite appears to be a metamorphic effect. |