Based on the chemical data for 30 elements for 17 highland fragments (3--35 mg) from 6 suites of Apollo 12 coarse fines, 11 chemical highland groups (6 with negative Eu anomalies and 5 with positive Eu anomalies) are identified in the Apollo 12 fragments. The highland chemical groups are represented by a range of petrographic types. Among the chemical groups four are newly recognized. One group is very high-K (VHK) KREEP-La at 520¿(chondrite) with a negative Eu anomaly at 50¿. The other three new chemical groups have positive Eu anomalies and these are as follows: a poikilitic/granulitic rock with La at 130¿; anorthosite with La at 30¿ and Eu at 90¿, and anorthosite with La at 12¿ and Eu at 25¿. The Apollo 12 highland suite is dominated by high-K KREEP and is similar to the Apollo 14 highland suite. The presence of high-K KREEP explains the relatively high LIL contents in the Apollo 12 soils. The plutonic suite data appear to show a trend in Eu anomaly versus longitude, i.e., eastern (Apollo 11) and western (Apollo 12 and 14) plutonic (ANT) rocks, as suggested by Warren et al. <1981>. Several parent magmas are suggested to explain the wide variety of plutonic and other highland suites observed at the Apollo 11 and 12 sites. |