At scale lengths less than 100 km or so, statistical descriptions of seafloor morphology can be usefully employed to characterize ridge crest processes, off-ridge tectonics and vulcanism, sedimentation, and post-depositional transport. We seek to develop methods for the estimation of seafloor statistics that take into account the finite precision, resolution, and sampling obtained by actual echo sounding systems. In this initial paper we restrict our attention to the problem of recovering second-order statistics from data sets collected by multibeam devices such as Sea Beam. The seafloor is modeled as a stationary, zero-mean, Gaussian random field completely specified by its two-point covariance function. We introduce an anisotropic two-point covariance function that has five free parameters describing the amplitude, orientation, characteristic wave numbers, and Hausdorff (fractal) dimension of seafloor topography. We formulate the general forward problem relating this model to the statistics of an ideal multibeam echo sounder, in particular the along-track autocovariance functions of individual beams and the cross-covariance functions between beams of arbitrary separation. Using these second moments as data functionals, we then pose the inverse problem of estimating the seafloor parameters from realistic, noisy data sets with finite sampling and beamwidth, and we solve this inverse problem by an iterative, linearized, least squares method. The inversion method is applied to Sea Beam transit data from both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Sea Beam system noise stands out as a sharp spike on the along-track autocovariance function and can be modeled as a white noise process whose amplitude generally increases with beam angle. The five parameters in our second-order model can be estimated from the inversion of data sets comprising ~100--200 km of track length. In general, the cross-track wave number is the most poorly determined, although uncertainties in the assumed Sea Beam response may bias the values of the fractal dimension. Using the assumed beamwidth, the measured noise values, and the seafloor parameters recovered from the inversion, we generate Sea Beam ''synthetics'' whose statistical character can be directly compared with raw Sea Beam data. For most of the track segments we have processed thus far the synthetics are similar to the data. In the case of one Atlantic profile, however, the comparison clearly indicates the necessity of incorporating higher-order statistics. The space domain procedures described in this paper can be extended for this purpose. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1988 |