Aircraft measurements of vertical potential gradient were made to develop a technique for obtaining the temporal variation of ionospheric potential without recourse to averaging many days' data. Continuous constant altitude measurements lasting up to 4 hours and two potential gradient soundings were obtained during each flight. Ionospheric potential magnitude was estimated from the soundings; quasi-real time variations of ionosphere potential were obtained from the constant altitude records. This approach depends on whether the vertical potential gradient at constant altitude well above the exchange layer is proportional to ionospheric potential. For this to happen, columnar resistance through the exchange layer must remain constant. Initial potential gradient records over land and sea in the northeastern United States showed spatial and temporal variations which were larger than the expected signal. In the clean air of the Bahamas the noise was reduced sufficiently that one day's data were sufficient to reveal the diurnal 'unitary' cycle (assumed to be controlled by worldwide thunderstorm activity). This cycle was evident both in the temporal variations of ionospheric potential magnitude and the extended duration continuous records of potential gradient at 3.5 km. Positive correlation between aircraft atmospheric electrical records obtained simultaneously over a distance of 7000 km indicates the viability of the described technique to follow the variation of ionospheric potential with a temporal resolution of several minutes when data are taken in the 3- to 4-km height range. This correlation also supports the global circuit hypothesis. |