Tidal energetics and wind effects in an extensive (3000 km2) shallow (~3.5 m) sound with two widely separated entrances were studied numerically with a two-dimensional vertically averaged model. A comparison of current predictions with observations from 15 current meter stations under differing tidal regimes proved the reliability of the model. Evaluation of the instantaneous energy balance equation showed the change in energy content to be nearly balanced by input energy flux, frictional energy dissipation being of secondary importance. In contrast to the equipartition of energy in classical long waves, there is on the average eight times more potential energy than kinetic energy. Input energy flow shows preferential pathways; the wide northern entrance mainly shows energy gain to the Sound, the southern entrance shows equal amounts of gain and loss, while small cuts through the barrier island chain serve mainly as conduits for energy loss. When real tidal input is used, the energy balance time-averaged over a diurnal tidal cycle is not in a steady state (〈∂E/∂t〉 is 25% of the other terms), and frictional dissipation is the dominant term. Experiments showed that with winds in the 8- to 9-m/s range, extensive setup can occur (20 cm), strongly dependent on wind direction. Increased speeds through the passages can significantly reduce the residence time in the Sound. Relaxation time of the wind petrubations is only about 3 hours. |