Data from four cruises to the tropical South Atlantic Ocean are used to describe the current distribution at 25¿W and 27.5¿/28¿W. Two distinct eastward-flowing countercurrents separated by a branch of the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC) were observed during all the cruises. The South Equatorial Undercurrent, located between 3¿S and 5¿S, has a subsurface velocity core, with maximum speeds of about 0.4 m/s. Geostrophic volume transports of the SEUC, from the surface to 1000 m, range from 5 to 23 Sv. Surface flow above the core of the SEUC can be to the east or west. The South Equatorial Countercurrent (SECC) is located typically between 7¿S and 9¿S. Although weaker than the SEUC with transports ranging from 3 to 7 Sv, the SECC also has a subsurface velocity core. Maximum speeds of 0.1 m/s are observed at about 275 m. Surface flow above the core of the SECC is typically to the east. Upper layer waters of the SECC are saltier and warmer than the waters within similar density layers to the north. |