Wind measurements at 3.8 m from a surface-following toroid and at 4.0 m from a vertically stable spar were compared to estimate the influence of mooring motion. Buoys were separated by 9 km. Data were obtained at 15-mn intervals for 41 days in the equatorial Pacific, where the maximum 15-min averaged wind speed was 0.9 m s-1 and wind speeds averaged 4.5 m s-1. Toroid wind speeds were 3.5% greater than the spar data, and the correlation coefficient between 15-min toroid and spar data was 0.92. The frequency of the 50% noise level was 0.125 cph, and the correlation coefficient between 8-hour averaged toroid and spar data was 0.98. Toroid 8-hour averaged wind speeds referenced to 10-m height were 2% larger than corresponding spar data. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1987 |