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Mognard et al. 1991
Mognard, N.M., Johannessen, J.A., Livingstone, C.E., Lyzenga, D., Shuchman, R. and Russel, C. (1991). Simultaneous observations of ocean surface winds and waves by Geosat radar altimeter and airborne synthetic aperture radar during the 1988 Norwegian Continental Shelf Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research 96: doi: 10.1029/91JC00298. issn: 0148-0227.

Quasi-simultaneous measurements of the ocean surface by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) Convair-580 (CV-580) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) were acquired on March 20, 1988, along an ascending pass of the Geosat radar altimeter as part of the prelaunch ERS-1 Norwegian Continental Shelf Experiment (NORCSEX'88). Over a region where the SAR look direction is parallel to the wind vector, a relationship between the ocean scattering cross sections measured by the Geosat altimeter and the SAR is obtained. In the regions where the wind direction is changing, an estimate of the wind direction is derived from the differences measured between the altimeter and the SAR scattering cross sections. Wavelength and wave directions derived from the SAR wave spectra are in good agreement with the sea truth data obtained with the wave directional buoys and with the altimeter-derived swell estimates. Significant wave height measured by the Geosat altimeter is compared with the buoy measurements and is used to assess the validity of the significant wave height deduced from the SAR. ¿American Geophysical Union 1991



Oceanography, General, Remote sensing and electromagnetic processes, Oceanography, Physical, Air-sea interactions
Journal of Geophysical Research
American Geophysical Union
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