In this investigation we compare the results of the Storm Electrification Model (SEM) simulation of the July 19 Cooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment (CCOPE) case study cloud against the actual observations with respect to the clouds electrical characteristics, as deduced from the data of two aircraft. It is found that the SEM reproduces the basic charge and electric field structure of the cloud on a time scale similar to that observed. The comparability of the modeled and observed values of field strength and charge within the cloud is directly related to the proximity of the aircraft to the main active core of the cloud. The character of the electric field external to the cloud appears to be well modeled, at least at the time of observation. A feature which was not observed, but appears in the model, is a charge-screening layer at the top of the anvil. In addition, the model predicts electric field strengths sufficient to initiate a lightning discharge at approximately the same time in cloud evolution as that when an intracloud discharge was recorded. ¿American Geophysical Union 1987 |