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Martignole & Calvert 1996
Martignole, J. and Calvert, A.J. (1996). Crustal-scale shortening and extension across the Grenville Province of western Québec. Tectonics 15: doi: 10.1029/95TC03748. issn: 0278-7407.

A deep seismic reflection survey shot in 1993 crosses almost the full width of the Grenville Province in western Qu¿bec. The seismic transect provides a very clear image of the crust-mantle boundary and the most precise definition to date of the various Grenvillian terranes. The crust is around 44 km thick beneath the Grenville Front but thins rapidly to 36 km some 60 km to the southeast; it is also notable that the greatest crustal thickness of 50 km occurs at the southeast end of the transect, far from the inferred location of the main Grenvillian collision. The Grenville Front zone, in which NW directed thrusting at about 1 Ga was followed by SE directed extension, is defined by discontinuous, SE dipping reflections, which extend down to the Moho. To the southeast, the overlying migmatitic Archean parautochthon, almost half of the transect, is characterised instead by NW dipping reflectors extending into the lower crust. These reflectors are in turn truncated to the southeast by a 12-km-thick zone of intense SE dipping reflections, the Baskatong crustal ramp. The base of the allochthonous terranes (Allochthon Boundary Thrust) is likely located at this ramp, which flattens out at around 30-km depth into the base of the relatively transparent intermediate crust. A highly reflective upper crustal deck corresponding to rocks of the Mont-Laurier terrane was thrust over the Baskatong crustal ramp and is represented further to the northwest by the klippelike Cabonga allochthon. The synformal, transparent Morin anorthosite-charnockite complex belongs to the same upper crustal level. Ramp anticlines and the overriding basal thrust of the upper allochthons demonstrate the NW directed propagation of tectonic transport during the Grenvillian orogeny, involving deformation and displacement along the Baskatong ramp with a relay into the Grenville Front zone. Postaccretional extension appears to have been primarily accommodated along the latter two crustal discontinuities thinning the crust immediately south of the Grenville Front and affecting the crust up to 350 km away from the front. ¿ American Geophysical Union 1996



Tectonophysics, Continental tectonics—general, Seismology, Continental crust
American Geophysical Union
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