Detailed Reference Information |
Kuncic, Z., Cairns, I.H. and Knock, S.A. (2004). A Quantitative model for terrestrial foreshock radio emissions: 1. Predicted properties. Journal of Geophysical Research 109: doi: 10.1029/2003JA010125. issn: 0148-0227. |
We present detailed quantitative results from a theoretical model for fundamental (fp) and second harmonic (2fp) radio emission generated in Earth's foreshock by beam-driven Langmuir waves. The model is the first to self-consistently incorporate all key aspects of foreshock physics: reflection and acceleration of incident solar wind electrons at the bow shock, generation of unstable electron beams in the foreshock, stochastic growth of Langmuir waves and their conversion to electromagnetic waves via nonlinear processes. The physical properties of the foreshock electron beams, Langmuir waves and electromagnetic emissivities are calculated as a function of position for nominal solar wind conditions. Variations in the bow shock's location and characteristics with changes in the solar wind parameters are included. The predicted fluxes of fp and 2fp radiation are explored over a wide range of solar wind conditions. We find that the 2fp flux is most sensitive to the electron and ion temperatures and the solar wind speed and that the radio fluxes of both fp and 2fp radiation also vary significantly with the solar wind electron number density, and proportion of nonthermal electrons. Our macroscopic model provides a powerful and unique diagnostic tool with which to interpret observational data from various spacecraft under a range of solar wind conditions. |
Abstract |
Radio Science, Waves in plasma, Solar Physics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy, Radio emissions, Space Plasma Physics, Wave/particle interactions, Space Plasma Physics, Charged particle motion and acceleration, Space Plasma Physics, Waves and instabilities, radio emission, foreshock, electron acceleration, wave-particle processes, wave-wave processes, plasma instabilities |
American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009-1277 USA 1-202-462-6900 1-202-328-0566 service@agu.org |