Paleomagnetic results have been determined for 41 sites, in lava flows and plug domes, in the 300 km2 Leucite Hills volcanic field (1.1¿.4 mybp), southwest Wyoming. Rock mangetic and petrographic studies show that magnetite is the important remanence carrier. Primary spinel and rhombohedral phases are both present. Analysis of VGP positions from 35 of these sites yields a paleomagnetic pole at 113.13 ¿E, 87.4 ¿N (&agr;95=7.2 ¿, Δ=23.0 ¿) which, as expected, is coincident with the present day rotation axis. Generally, the ultrapotassic rocks of the Leucite Hills are magnetically stable; both polarities are recorded in the field along with a few directions which may be transitional. About 90% of the sites are reversely magnetized. Due to a lack in precision of the age determination for the Leucite Hills, the normal flows cannot be constrained to the Brunhes epoch or either the Cobb Mountain or Jaramillo events. |